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Wolfson Brands

Helping the team at Wolfson Brands to manage their ever-expanding online stores, strategically and clearly.

the details

The Mission

The expansion of the brand team at Wolfson Brands in recent months has necessitated adjustments to be made to their online stores. ClearSky Logic were brought in to support their current tech team with an incredible opportunity to scale. The problem was the deadlines Wolfson had to hit. Their board were demanding more but their current tech team and Head of Technology were stuck on multiple other projects. That's where we came in, to help effectively manage the increased demand, enhance estimation processes, and address any operational bottlenecks.

Given the global presence of Wolfson Brands across multiple online stores, our team at ClearSky Logic had to strategically prioritise tasks and plan proactively to ensure timely delivery of updates and implementations. Effective communication, collaboration, and transparency was imperative for both entities to successfully achieve our shared objectives.

  • Date
    December, 2023
  • Project
    Website Services
  • Customer
    Wolfson Brands

ClearSky Logic implemented a structured organisational framework by establishing specialised teams known as Squads within the company. The Black Squad specifically were tasked specifically with enhancing the Wolfson proficiency in their online shops and campaign pages.

Morning scrums, shared Slack channels and in person collaborations helped us really get in the trenches with Wolfson.

This allowed strong progress tracking, idea exchange, and issue resolution. This collaborative approach ensured that all team members were informed of decisions and enabled the identification of optimal strategies to maintain momentum in development.

ClearSky Logic's Special Ops Squad takes pride in celebrating the incremental successes achieved in our ongoing partnership with Wolfson. Following the seamless delivery of the initial project for Wolfson Brands, our collaborative efforts have fostered a culture of achievement through continuous communication, transparent guidance, and collective problem-solving. We rejoice in the progress made as we tackle a series of new tasks identified by the Wolfson team, recognising each completed milestone as a testament to our shared dedication to excellence.

Amidst our engagement, the significance of our bi-weekly meetings with stakeholders and the Black Squad cannot be overstated. These sessions serve not only as forums for addressing emerging requests from Wolfson but also as platforms for acknowledging the achievements and progress made along the journey. From refining customer interaction strategies to optimizing business retention initiatives, each small win is a cause for celebration, underscoring our commitment to delivering impactful solutions tailored to the evolving needs of Wolfson Brands.

Internally, our sprint planning rituals serve as occasions to reflect on our accomplishments, no matter how small, and to chart a course forward that maximizes efficiency and efficacy. These moments of reflection allow us to appreciate the collective efforts of our team and to harness the momentum of our achievements as we navigate the dynamic landscape of our partnership with Wolfson.

As we continue on this journey together, ClearSky Logic remains steadfast in our commitment to celebrating the small wins that ultimately culminate in transformative outcomes for Wolfson Brands and our shared success.

The Results

Results Under Pressure

The overarching goal was to achieve successful project delivery by December 1st, 2023.

Fast Delivery

We helped Wolfson build, launch and take to market a brand new brand, in less than 4 months.

Strong Partnership

As a result, we are now a long term tech partner of Wolfson and still help with ongoing projects and new project launches to this day.

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